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Alford H.
Dean of The Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas “Angelicum”

Theory of stakeholders and Catholic social thought (Italy, Rome)
The article investigates two ethical approaches to stakeholder theory: conception of corporative social responsibility and Catholic social doctrine. Cognitive limitations of the former are seen through its methodological foundations, “enlightened stakeholder theory” and social contract theory. The author argues that the Catholic teaching about a human being as a holistic personality allows connecting stakeholder theory with the common cause and common benefit in a community of people connected by business ties. Business is considered from the ethical perspective as a community of people creating not only private, but common good. The article is translated by S.V. Lukin
Key words: corporative social responsibility, Catholic social thought, business, common good, external good, internal good

Оригинальная публикация: Helen Alford. Stakeholders Theory // OIKONOMIA. Journal of ethics & social sciences. Angelicum University Press. Roma. Italia. June 2007, available at www.oikonomia.it.

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