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Bliakhman L. S.
Professor of Department of Economics of Enterprise and Entrepreneurship, St. Petersburg State University, PhD (Economics), Professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation

Regional and macro-regional foundations of the new industrialization
(Russia, St. Petersburg)
Globalization created conditions for higher efficacy of socio-economic production, yet these conditions may get realized only in combination with regionalization, i.e. formation of macro-regional economic unions, development of regional clusters and principles of Federalism. The article discusses new conditions of production regionalization in the course of transition to socially innovative economy; problems and prospects of the new industrialization within inter-regional groupings, regions, and regional complexes, including the agro-industrial complex and fishery complex, municipal housing economy, trade and the sphere of services
Key words: new industrialization, globalization, regionalization of production, inter-regional groupings, regional cluster, agro-industrial complex and fishery complex, network trade, municipal housing economy
Pages: 7 - 18

1. Grin J, Rotmans S., Schot J. Transitions to sustainable development: new directing in the study of long term transformative change. — N.Y., 2010. — 397 p.
2. Macroeconomic performance in a globalizing economy / R.Anderton, G.Kenpy (eds.). — Cambridge: University Press. 2011. — 280 p.
3. Value-added partnering and innovation in a changing world / M.Geenhuizen (ed.). — West Lafayette, 2009. — 391 p.
4. Ashford N., Hall R. Technology, globalization and sustainable development: transforming the industrial state. — New Haven, Conn., 2012.
5. Caselli M. Trying to measure globalization: experiences, critical issues and perspectives. — N.Y., 2012. — 139 p.
6. Archibugi O., Filippetti A. Innovation and economic downturn. — L., 2012. — 184 p.
7. Global crises and the crisis of global leadership / S.Gill (ed.) — Cambridge, 2012. — 299 p.
8. The consequences of the global financial crisis: the rhetoric of reform and regulation / W.Grant, C.Wilson (eds.). — Oxford, UK, 2012. — 272 p.
9. Roads to regionalism: genesis, design, and effects of regional organizations / T.Borzed at all (eds.). Farmhand, UK, 2012. — 272 p.
10. Regionalism, economic integration and security in Asia: a political economy approach / J.Park, T.Pempel, H.Kim (eds.). — Cheltenham, UK, 2011. — 160 p.
11. Libman A., Vinokurov E. Holding-together regionalism: twenty years of post-Soviet integration. Basingstone, 2012. — 273 p.
12. Aris S. Eurasian regionalism: the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. — Basingstoke, 2011. — 215 p.
13. Goode P. The decline of regionalism in Putin’s Russia: boundary issues. — L., 2011. — 220 p.
14. Cluster and globalization: the development of urban and regional economies / C.Pitelis, R.Sugden, J.Wilson (eds.). — Cheltenham, UK, 2006. — 321 p.
15. Multilateral sing regionalism on government procurement. OECD, 2013.
16. Pereira L.C. Globalization and competition: why some emergent countries succeed while others fall behind. — Cambridge, 2010. — 256 p.
17. Terhechte S. International competition enforcement law between cooperation and convergence. Heidelberg. 2011 — 96 p.
18. Multilateralism and regionalism in global economic governance: trade, investment and finance. S.Nakagawa (ed.). — L., 2011. — 200 p.
19. The globalization of cost-benefit analysis in environmental policy / M.Livermore, R.Revesz (eds.). N.Y., 2013. — 362 p.
20. Äåðÿáèíà Ì. Ãîðèçîíòàëüíàÿ ýêîíîìèêà: êîíòóðû óïðàâëåíèÿ // Âîïð. Ýêîíîìèêè. — 2013. — ¹ 7.
21. State, globalization and multilateralism: the challenges of institutional regionalism / M.Telo (ed.), 2012. — 187 p.
22. Lefairve L., Tzonis A. Architecture of regionalism in the age of globalization: peens and values in the flat world. — N.Y., 2012. — 221 p.
23. Globalization and economic nationalism in Asia. A.D’Costa (ed.). — Oxford, 2012.
24. Ìîíóñîâ Ã. Ñîöèàëüíàÿ ïîëèòèêà â åâðîïåéñêîì îáùåñòâåííîì ìíåíèè: ñóáúåêòèâíûé êîíòðàêò ìåæäó îáùåñòâîì è ãîñóäàðñòâîì // Âîïð. Ýêîíîìèêè. — 2012. — ¹ 6.
25. Patham R. Bowling alone: the collapse and revival of American community. — N.Y., 2010.
26. State capitalism, contentions politics and large-scale social change / V.Pollard (ed.). — Leiden, 2011. — 234 p.
27. Elcus R. Winner takes all: how competitiveness shapes the fate of nations. — N.Y., 2008. — 272 p.
28. Comparative responses to globalization: British and Japanese enter-prizes / M.Unemura, R.Fujira (eds.). — Basingstoke, 2013. — 261 p.
29. De-industrialization: social, cultural, and political aspects / B.Altena, M. Van der Linden (eds.). — Cambridge University Press, 2002. — 175 p.
30. Maresca D. Regulation of infrastructure markets: legal cases and materials on seaports, railways and airports. — Berlin, 2013.
31. Infrastructure sustainability and design. S.Pollalic (et all). — N.Y., 2012. — 350 p.
32. Infrastructure productivity evaluation. Manshanden W., Jonkhoff W. (eds.). — N.Y., 2011. — 96 p.
33. Building a national distributed e-infrastructure: scientific and technical achievement / Bubak M., Szepieniec T., Wiatz K. (eds.). — Berlin, 2012. — 354 p.
34. Critical infrastructure protection: information infrastructure. Models, analysis, and defense / Lopez S., Wolthusen S. (eds.). — Berlin, 2012. — 355 p.
35. Kessides I. Toward a sustainable global energy supply infrastructure: Neo energy balance and density confederations. — Wash., DC, WB. 2011. — 30 p.
36. Strand S. Infrastructure investments under uncertainty with the possibility of retrofit: theory and simulations. — Wash., D.C. World Bank, 2011.
37. Divergences in productivity between Europe and the US: measuring and explaining productivity gaps between developed countries / G.Cette, M.Fouquin, H.W.Einn (eds.). — Cheltenham, UK, 2007. — 246 p.
38. Êàäî÷íèêîâ Ñ., Ôåäþíèíà À. Âëèÿíèå ñâÿçàííîãî ðàçíîîáðàçèÿ ýêñïîðòà íà ýêîíîìè÷åñêîå ðàçâèòèå ðåãèîíîâ Ðîññèè // Âîïð. Ýêîíîìèêè. — 2013. — ¹ 9.
39. Òðèôîíîâ Ì. Åâðàçèéñêèå ñòàíäàðòû îöåíêè ñòîèìîñòè: èñòîðèÿ è êîíöåïöèÿ // Ýêîí. Ñòðàòåãèè. — 2013.
40. Ñòàâëèíñêàÿ À., Íèêèøèíà Å. Ñîöèîêóëüòóðíûé ðåñóðñ ìîäåðíèçàöèè ðåñïóáëèêè Êàçàõñòàí // Âîïð. Ýêîíîìèêè. — 2012. — ¹ 6.

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