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Postaljuk M. P.
Head of the Chair of Economic Theory Academy of Management «TISBI» (Kazan’)
PhD (Economics), Professor

Innovatization of spatial structures of development in economic systems
(Russia, Kazan’)
The article stresses the importance of innovatization as applied to the spatial structures of sustainable development in economic systems, describes dynamic sustainability as a feature of the regional economic system that helps create and preserve its innovative structural interconnections
Key words: economic systems, spatial structures, innovatization of economic development, innovative character, innovative satiation of regional structures of economic growth
Pages: 34 - 37

Исследование выполнено при финансовой поддержке РГНФ и Академии наук Республики Татарстан, в рамках проекта проведения научных исследований «Оценка устойчивости пространственных социо-эколого-экономических систем в условиях размытости исходной информации (на примере Приволжского федерального округа», проект № 14-12-16009 a / B»

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