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Bliakhman L. S.
Professor of Department of Economics of Enterprise and Entrepreneurship, St. Petersburg State University, PhD (Economics), Professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation
Ziabrikov V. V.
Assistant Professor, Chair of Economics of Enterprises and Entrepreneurship, St. Petersburg State University, PhD (Economics)

Strategy of horizontal integration among firms: global and Russian tendencies (Russia, St. Petersburg)
Qualitative changes in the global economy after the crisis of 2008 produced a new model of business organization and a new strategy of establishing relations among firms. The article discusses three major questions: 1) socio-economic prerequisites for the development of the new form of business organization; 2) new tendencies in the correlation between the vertical and the horizontal integration among contemporary firms; 3) legal and socio-cultural conditions for development of national and global supply chains and creation of cost. The authors analyze research conducted in the leading universities of the world in 2012-2014, dedicated to the topics under discussion
Key words: strategy of a firm, socio-economic prerequisites for the new business organization model, reindustrialization, vertical and horizontal integration of a firm, supply chains and creating of cost, corporate culture
Pages: 27 - 37

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