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Terekhina E. S.
PhD student, Chair of Global Economics and International Economic Relations, St. Petersburg State Economic University

Finnish school of academic research in the sphere of inter-firm cooperation: evolution, specificities and perspectives for development (Russia, St. Petersburg)
The article discusses the key aspects of research conducted by Finnish scholars in the sphere of inter-firm cooperation and the forms that corporations assume as a result of it. The author describes the Finnish school of academic research, its major features, limitations for its development, and the possibilities of borrowing the experience of the Finnish school in different economic systems, in particular, within the Russian research tradition
Key words: Russia, international economic relations, inter-firm cooperation, academic school, strategic alliance, Finland
Pages: 308 - 312

Статья написана по результатам исследований, проведенных автором в процессе прохождения научной стажировки по гранту Erasmus Mundus Action 2 (уровень Doctorate, срок 6 месяцев) в университете г. Турку, Финляндия.

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