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Naumenko T. V.
Chair of the Global Social Processes, Department of Global Processes, M.V. Lomonosov State University, PhD (Philosophy)
Grinjuk A. I.
PhD student, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University

The problem of “homo economicus” model in the contemporary academic paradigm (Russia, Moscow)
The article offers a culturally-based interpretation of the homo economicus model on the basis of ethnometric parameters described by a Dutch sociologist Geert Hofstede, emphasizes the importance of developing new models of human economic involvement with regards to the culturally specific features of nations, and further expands the thesis on the impact of culture upon economy
Key words: Homo Economicus, homo economicus model, economic theory, economic anthropology, cultural neuroscience, culture, economy
Pages: 39 - 42

1. Mill J. S. ‘On the Definition of Political Economy, and on the Method of Investigation Proper to It’ (1836) London and Westminster Review
2. Автономов В.С. «Модель человека в экономической науке». Этическая экономия: исследования по этике, культуре и философии хозяйства. Вып. 2.: «Экономическая школа». С.-Петерб. госуд. ун-т экономики и финансов, Высшая школа экономики. — СПб., 1998.
3. Радаев В.В. Еще раз о предмете экономической социологии // Экономическая социология. — 2002. — Т.3. — №3.
4. Белик А.А. Экономическая антропология: взаимодействие экономики и культуры // Экономический журнал. — 2010. — Вып. 20.
5. Хубиев К.А. Экономическая теория: между прошлым и будущим // Terra Economicus. — 2012. — Т.10. — № 3.
6. Hofstede Center Эл.ресурс: https: // www.geert-hofstede.com/ (дата обращения 15.05.2016)
7. Cox P. L., Friedman B. A., Tribunella T. “Relationships among Cultural Dimensions, National Gross Domestic Product, and Environmental Sustainability” // Journal of Applied Business and Economics vol. 12(6) 2011.
8. Hofstede G., Hofstede G. J., Minkov M. “Cultures and Organisations. Software of the Mind. Intercultural Cooperation and Its Importamce for Survival” // McGraw Hill, 2010.
9. Sungmin Ryu, Chul Woo Moon “Long-term Orientation as a Determinant of Relationship Quality Between Channel Members” // International Business and Economics Research Journal — November 2009, Volume 8, Number 11.
10. Jovo Ateljevic, Jelena Trivic (Ed.) “Economic Development and Enterpreneurship in Transition Economies. Issues, Obstacles and Perspectives”. Springer, 2016.
11. Yasemin Hancioglu, Ulkuhan Bike Dogan, Surkan Sirkintioglu Yildirim “Relationship Between Uncertainty Avoidance Culture, Enterpreneurial Activity and Economic Development” // Procedia — Social and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 150, 15 September 2014, Pp. 908–916.
12. Аузан А.А., Архангельский А.Н., Лунгин П.С., Найшуль В.А. Культурные факторы модернизации: доклад /Фонд «Стратегия 2020. — М., СПб., 2011.
13. Kolb B., Gibb R., Robinson T. E. Brain plasticity and behaviour // Current Directions in Psychological Science/ Vol. 12, No 1, February 2003 // Blackwell Publishing Inc., American Psechological Society
14. Nalini Ambady The mind in the world: culture and the brain // Association for psychological science. Эл.ресурс: www.psychologicalscience.org/index.php/publications/observer/2011/may-june-11/the-mind-in-the-world-culture-and-the-brain.html (дата обращения 21.04.2016)

1 Mill J. S. ‘On the Definition of Political Economy, and on the Method of Investigation Proper to It’ (1836) London and Westminster Review
2 Автономов В. С. Модель человека в экономической науке // Этическая экономия: исследования по этике, культуре и философии хозяйства. Вып. 2.: «Экономическая школа». С.-Петерб. госуд. ун-т экономики и финансов, Высшая школа экономики. — СПб., 1998. — С. 10–11.
3 Радаев В.В. Еще раз о предмете экономической социологии // Экономическая социология. — 2002. — Т.3. — №3.
4 Белик А. А. Экономическая антропология: взаимодействие экономики и культуры // Экономический журнал. 2010. — Вып. № 20. — С. 68.
5 Хубиев К. А. Экономическая теория:между прошлым и будущим // Terra Economicus. — 2012. — Т.10. — № 3. — С. 61.
6 https: // www.geert-hofstede.com/
7 Cox P. L., Friedman B. A., Tribunella T. “Relationships among Cultural Dimensions, National Gross Domestic Product, and Environmental Sustainability” // Journal of Applied Business and Economics vol. 12(6) 2011.
8 Hofstede G., Hofstede G. J., Minkov M. “Cultures and Organisations. Software of the Mind. Intercultural Cooperation and Its Importamce for Survival” // McGraw Hill, 2010.
9 Sungmin Ryu, Chul Woo Moon “Long-term Orientation as a Determinant of Relationship Quality Between Channel Members” // International Business and Economics Research Journal — November 2009, Volume 8, Number 11.
10 Jovo Ateljevic, Jelena Trivic (Ed.) “Economic Development and Enterpreneurship in Transition Economies. Issues, Obstacles and Perspectives”. Springer, 2016.
11 Cox P. L., Friedman B. A., Tribunella T. “Relationships among Cultural Dimensions, National Gross Domestic Product, and Environmental Sustainability” // Journal of Applied Business and Economics vol. 12(6) 2011.
12 Yasemin Hancioglu, Ulkuhan Bike Dogan, Surkan Sirkintioglu Yildirim “Relationship Between Uncertainty Avoidance Culture, Enterpreneurial Activity and Economic Development” // Procedia — Social and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 150, 15 September 2014, Pp. 908–916.
13 Аузан А. А., Архангельский А. Н., Лунгин П. С., Найшуль В. А. Доклад «Культурные факторы модернизации» // Фонд «Стратегия 2020», М., СПб., 2011. С. 15.
14 https: // www.geert-hofstede.com/
15 Kolb B., Gibb R., Robinson T. E. Brain plasticity and behaviour // Current Directions in Psychological Science/ Vol. 12, No 1, February 2003 // Blackwell Publishing Inc., American Psechological Society
16 Там же. С. 1.
17 Nalini Ambady The mind in the world: culture and the brain // Association for psychological science. Эл.ресурс: www.psychologicalscience.org/index.php/publications/observer/2011/may-june-11/the-mind-in-the-world-culture-and-the-brain.html
18 Там же.

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