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Kislitsyna O. A.
Head of Sector of Life Quality Measurement, Institute of Economics, Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow), PhD (Economics), Professor

New global movement: measuring of progress and quality of life (wellbeing)
(Russia, Moscow)
Each year international debates on the limitation in the use of GNP and other possibilities of measuring socio-economic progress and the quality of life (wellbeing) are growing in scope, including the increase of various organs, organizations and research groups that address this topic. The article describes the major international and national initiatives aiming at measuring societal progress and the quality of life (wellbeing)
Key words: quality of life, wellbeing, societal progress, methods of research of the quality of life, indices of the quality of life, integral indices of the quality of life
Pages: 81 - 86

1. Stiglitz J., Sen A., Fitoussi J. Report by the Commission on the Measurement of Economic Performance and Social Progress. Paris: The Commission, 2009.
2. OECD. Istanbul Declaration. Paris: OECD, 2007.
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4. Gallup Inc., Healthways Inc. State of global well-being. Results of the Gallup–Healthways Global well–being index, 2014.
5. OECD. How’s Life? 2015: Measuring Well-being. Paris: OECD Publishing, 2015.
6. Abdallah S., Michaelson J., Shah S. et al. Happy Planet Index: 2012 Report. A global index of sustainable well-being. London: NEF, 2012.
7. Legatum Institute. The 2015 Legatum Prosperity IndexTM. London: Legatum Institute, 2015.
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10. Matheson J. National Statistician‘s Reflections on the National Debate on Measuring National Well-being. London: Office for National Statistics, 2011.
11. Evans J., Macrory I., Randall C. Measuring National Well–being: Life in the UK, 2015, 2015.
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13. ISTAT, CNEL. First Report on Equitable and Sustainable Well-being (Benessere Equo e Sostenibile (BES)), 2013.
14. Herrero L.M.J., Morбn J.M. The Spanish Initiative and the OECD–Hosted Global Project on Measuring the Progress of Societies. OECD Global Project, 2011.
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21. Quality of Life Project. Quality of Life in Twelve of New Zealand’s Cities 2007.
22. Australian Bureau of Statistics. Measures of Australia’s Progress 2013. Is life in Australia getting better? 2013.
23. Australian Unity. What makes us happy? Second edition. Ten years of the Australian Unity Wellbeing Index. Deakin University. Australian Unity, 2010.
24. Herald/Age — Lateral Economics. Index of Australia’s Wellbeing. Final Report, 2011.
25. Айвазян С.А. К методологии измерения синтетических категорий качества жизни населения // Экономика и математические методы. — 2003. — № 2. С. 33–53.
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27. Исследование качества жизни в Российских городах. Отчет о научно-исследовательской работе / А.Н. Зубец и др.; Финансовый ун-т при Правительстве РФ. — М., 2014.

1 Респондентов просят представить себе лестницу от 0 до 10, где ступень 0 означает наихудшую жизнь, а ступень 10 — наилучшую жизнь, и показать, как им кажется, на какой ступени они стоят в настоящее время.
2 Это мера количества земли в расчете на душу населения, необходимой для поддержания уровня потребления в стране, измеренная в терминах глобальных гектаров (g ha), которые представляют собой гектар земли со средней продуктивной биоемкостью.
3 http://www.misuredelbenessere.it/index.php?id=documents
4 http://www.stateoftheusa.org/
5 http://www.gallup.com/175196/gallup–healthways–index–methodology.aspx
6 http://www.bostonindicators.org/
7 http://vaperforms.virginia.gov/
8 http://bniajfi.org/
9 http://www.longislandindex.org/
10 http://www.andi.org.au/
11 http://www.hrf.com.au/hunter-insights/social-wellbeing/wellbeing-watch
12 http://www.communityindicators.net.au/
13 http://atlas.socpol.ru/indexes/index_life.shtml
14 http://www.protown.ru/russia/obl/articles/7701.html

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