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Kuznetsova N. P.
Chair of Risk Management and Insurance, Department of Economics, St. Petersburg State University, PhD (Economics), Professor
Pisarenko Zh. V.
Assistant Professor, Chair of Risk Management and Insurance, St. Petersburg State University, PhD (Economics)

Financial convergence on the global financial market: perspectives for pension funds and insurance corporations in USA, European Union, and China (Russia, St. Petersburg)
The article focuses on such an important tendency in the development of the global financial market as financial convergence as a mechanism of competitive struggle among the subjects of various sectors that share certain similarities. The authors present an empirical analysis of the financial convergence of pension funds and insurance corporations in China, the European Union and the Unites States. According to the main hypothesis of the article, institutional investors, irrespective of the country of origin, have to conduct financial convergence due to a number of external factors, which leads to a high degree of convergence in the sphere of insurance. Current pension reforms conducted in various countries unify requirements to both segments of the market and lead to greater rapprochement between pension funds and insurance corporations
Key words: financial convergence, institutional investors, pension funds, insurance corporations, reserves, assets
Pages: 102 - 106


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23 Пенсионные схемы с установленными выплатами (defined benefits или DB) — выплаты рассчитываются по заданной формуле (например, зависят от заработной платы в последние несколько лет, индексации); взносы идут как процент от заработной платы, устанавливаемый государством; системы с установленные взносами (defined contributions или DC) — сумма взносов устанавливается в договоре и поступает на личный счет работника; выплаты вычисляются в зависимости от доходности вложений

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