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Vasin S. M.
Chair of Economic Theory and International Relations, Penza State University, PhD (Economics), Professor
Gamidullaeva L. A.
Assistant Professor, Chair of Management and Economic Security, Penza State University, PhD (Economics)
Finogeev A. G.
Chair of Automated Design Systems, Penza State University, PhD (Technology), Professor
Mkrtchian V. S.
Chair of Automated Design Systems, Penza State University, PhD (Technology), Professor
Berezin A. A.
Assistant Professor, Chair of Commerce and Trade, Moscow University for Industry and Finance «Synergy», PhD (Technology)
Palatkin I. V.
Director, Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education “K.G. Razumovsky Moscow State University of technologies and management” (Penza branch), PhD (Economics), Professor

Social media as an index of the digital activity and digital maturity of the population(Russia, Penza)
The article reviews and analyzes the major trends of digitalization in the socio-economic sphere, discusses the existing approaches to digital activity and digital maturity of the population as the key indices reflecting the level of digital transformation of the country’s economy. The authors suggest using of social media to monitor and evaluate the digital activity and digital maturity of the population. The level of the society’s digital development directly depends on the level of the country’s economic development at large. In the present-day context of increasing global competitiveness of the country’s economy it is necessary to focus attention on the increase of the population’s digital activity and involve people in the process of digitalization of the economic and social spheres
Key words: digital economy, digitalization, digital maturity, big data, data analysis, data extraction, social media
Pages: 32 - 39

Исследование выполнено в рамках гранта РФФИ № 18-010-00204

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