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Rumiantseva E. E.
President, Center of Economic Politics and Business (Moscow), PhD (Economics), Professor
Bezdudnaya A. G.
Head of the Chair of Management and Innovations, St. Petersburg State University of Economics, PhD (Economics), Professor
Treiman M. G.
Assistant Professor, Chair of Economics and Production Organization, St. Petersburg State University of Industrial Technology and Design, Higher School of Technology and Energy, PhD (Economics)

Management of the Baltic Sea resources from the ecological, economic and social positions (Russia, Moscow, St. Petersburg)
The article describes the focal points in the activity of the Helsinki Commission HELCOM and presents monitoring data on the present-day condition of the Baltic Sea. Because of multiple indeterminacies in forecasts related to the changes taking place in the Baltic Sea as an ecosystem, as well as the insufficient systematization of the result of research that has been conducted since 1960s in various countries of the world, it is crucial to establish an effective exchange of information between the scholarly and the political communities and among various countries of the Baltic Sea basin. Ecosystem approach to the management of the region may be implemented though the open-source publication of the primary data related to the research under way, as well as statistics related to the countries of the Baltic Sea basin and coastal cities. The authors describe results of the HELCOM activities expressed in the economic effect and profitability of the environmental regeneration of the Baltic Sea.
Key words: the Baltic Sea, ecosystem approach to management, environmental pollution, economic effect, Helsinki Commission HELCOM
Pages: 195 - 199

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