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Dudnik A. V.
T.S. Maltsev Kurgan State Agricultural Academy, PhD (Economics), Professor
Cherdakova T. A.
Expert, Department of Economic Development of Kurgan region

Impact of subjective factors upon the innovative activity of the regional agro-industrial complex (Russia, Kurgan)
The article focuses on the topical issues of increasing the innovative activity of enterprises within the regional agro-industrial complex as the main condition of their higher competitive capacity. The decisive role of the human factor for the innovations implementation process is taken as a working hypothesis. The lack of sufficient attention to the key role of innovations for the development, resistance to innovations implementation on the part of the main stake-holders results in the slower growth of the regional agro-industrial complex. To increase the innovative activity of enterprises within the agro-industrial complex, state bodies responsible for competitive ability regulation should use the system of stimuli of innovative behavior, including the system of rules of innovative activity. Failure to abide by these rules would result in the enterprise’ forfeiting access to the programs of state support of agricultural production.
Key words: agro-industrial complex, agro-food complex, competitive advantages, state regulation, Innovative activity, readiness for innovations
Pages: 306 - 310

Работа выполнена при поддержке Российского фонда фундаментальных исследований, заявка № 18-010-00652 А

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