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Tagarov B. Zh.
Assistant Professor, Chair of the Economics of Enterprise and Entrepreneurship, Baikal State University (Irkutsk), PhD (Economics)

Consequences of globalization on the labor market for the workers on the “periphery” and the concept of E. Reinert (Russia, Irkutsk)
The author describes consequences of globalization on the labor market resulting from transition to the digital economy and discusses the concept of center-vs-periphery relations and the theory of E. Reinert. The article shows changes that take place on the labor market under the impact of informational technologies, including those for employers working in the center and periphery; argues that intellectual and highly-paid employees tend to move to the center, while those on the periphery continue to be engaged in routine material production; and discusses the impact of online education upon the internal migration of qualified workers.
Key words: labor market, digital economy, distance employment, salary
Pages: 108 - 111

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