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Sokolov B. I.
Chair of Credit Theory and Financial Management, Department of Economics, St. Petersburg State University, PhD (Economics), Professor
Voronova N. S.
Chair of Credit Theory and Financial Management, St. Petersburg State University, PhD (Economics), Professor;
Sokolova S. V.
Professor, Chair of Management and Planning of Socio-Economic Processes, Department of Economics, St. Petersburg State University, PhD (Economics), Professor
Pokrovskaya N. V.
Assistant Professor, Chair of Credit Theory and Financial Management, St. Petersburg State University, PhD (Economics)

Credit system in the People’s Republic of China and corporate financing
(Russia, St. Petersburg)
The article focuses on the credit system in the People’s Republic of China, with the banking system and the Central Bank as its most significant segment. According to the classical definition, the central bank is the bank of banks. This definition was accurate even in the middle of the XX c., yet the development of banking periphery created the situation when the present-day Central Bank became as a bank within the system of credit-and-finance organizations, which includes not only banks. Not all finance-and-credit institutions in the People’s Republic of China report to the Central Bank and therefore do not belong to the second level of the country’s banking system. Globalization of financial markets leads to formation of transnational and international banking corporation both on developed and forming financial markets. Central banks then transform from being the banks of banks to mega-centers of institutes of financial mediation. At the same time, central banks may not become regulators of the national credit system. The authors emphasize a special role played by the credit system developed in the People’s Republic of China in financing innovation-oriented industrial corporations.
Key words: People’s Republic of China, credit system, banking system, Central Bank, political banks, commercial banks, non-banking credit organizations, transnational banking corporations, international banking corporation, corporate financing, forming financial market
Pages: 125 - 131

Исследование выполнено при финансовой поддержке РФФИ в рамках научного проекта № 18-010-00085

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9. Соколов Б.И. Институты финансовой информации // Финансы и кредит. — 2013. — № 31 (559). — С. 2–16.
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