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Bakulina A. A.
Chair of State and Municipal Administration, Professor of Consulting, Project Design and Sustainable Development,
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (Moscow), PhD (Economics), Professor

Karpova S. V.
Chair of Logistics and Marketing, Chair of the Experimental Laboratory of Neurotechnology in Management, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (Moscow), PhD (Economics), Professor
Siniaeva I. M.
Department of Logistics and Marketing, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (Moscow), PhD (Economics), Professor

Problems of formation and stimulation of demand for innovative production in the system of state purchases (Russia, Moscow)
The article states that recently governments of developed countries started focusing on a number of innovative policies of demand, from state purchases of innovations to the standards and legal acts underlying innovative initiatives. While the use of state purchases for intensification of innovation politics is broadly spread in developed countries, in Russia this practice runs into a number of problems and does not bear a systemic character. The authors analyze the existing legislation with regards to stimulation of demand for innovative products, and distinguish the tools of this politics such as: developing of requirement for the production to be purchased as well as methods of purchasing oriented towards innovative commodities, jobs and services, which provide for competitive advantages. Comparison of foreign and Russian practices shows that the basic approaches, methods and mechanisms of stimulation do exist in the Russian context as well, yet the key difference consists in the structure that exists in foreign practices, responsible for stimulation of demand for innovations and responsible for the results. A similar structure should be organized in the Russian context as well.
Key words: stimulation of demand and supply for innovations, state purchases, demand for innovations, innovation politics
Pages: 34 - 37

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