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Gres’ko A. A.
Assistant Professor, Chair of Mathematics and Modelling, Vladivostok State University of Economy and Services, PhD (Economics)

Development of the cognitive map for the analysis of efficacy of the personnel department (Russia, Vladivostok)
Cognitive modelling allows conducting support of strategic decisions in enterprise management, while regarding the enterprise as a complex dynamic system and taking into consideration factors of internal and external environment. The article discusses the cognitive map of OOO “Sigma Marine Technology” (city of Vladivostok), focusing on the effective performance of the enterprise’ personnel department. The author discusses theoretical aspects related to the cognitive approach in management, formulates the concepts of the cognitive map, establishes causative-conseсutive relations among various concepts, defines the importance of relations, and calculates consonances and dissonances generated by the system and the concepts. With the use of cognitive analysis, the article distinguishes concepts that produce the strongest impact upon the efficacy of the personnel department at the enterprise.
Key words: cognitive map, cognitive modelling, causative-conseсutive relations, concept, cognitive matrix
Pages: 93 - 97

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