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Volkova A. V.
Chair of Political Management, St. Petersburg State University, PhD (Political Science), Professor
Kulakova T. A.
Chair of Political Management, St. Petersburg State University, PhD (Political Science), Professor;
Volkov A. P.
Head of the Department for Administrative Affairs, AO “Russian Post,” Macro-region of the North-West, PhD (Political Science), Associate Professor

Socio-political effects from innovative technologies of urban development and the politics of digitalization (Russia, St. Petersburg)
The article continues a serious of publications focusing on the development of the innovate structure in megalopolises within the framework of digitalization politics and broadening of civil participation. Informed positioning of the objects of innovative structure in megalopolises is a factor that can increase managerial efficacy dur to creation of long-term partner relations with business structure, scholarly and educational institutions and citizens. However, as the range of accessible objective informational technologies grows, the split with the actually realized technologies likewise broadens. The reason for this is various organizational and institutional barriers, which are overcome in the EU thought communications, active informational politics, formation of trust relations, development of people’s “digital skills,” etc. The authors focus on Ekaterinburg, the city that was among the first to join the multi-faceted process of formation and popularization of innovative infrastructure. The megalopolis became an experimental ground to implement “smart city” elements, and was able to reach a certain success. The article emphasizes the dependency of this success in the digitalization policy implementation upon the cooperation withing the system of state and non-state units on the basis of common goals, norms and public values for the purposes of achieving the public good. However, Ekaterinburg is still largely oriented towards large players (such as state structures, large-scale business, industrial groups of the Federal scale) than the average citizens, civil structures and municipal initiatives, which can partly be explained by the special historical role of the city and its strategic location. Yet the situation should be corrected in view of the politics of the city’s development. The article presents results of the expert poll conducted in October-November of 2020 in Ekaterinburg.
Key words: Ekaterinburg, innovative infrastructure, megalopolis, urban development, public politics, administrative reform, digitalization
Pages: 127 - 131

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