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Pakhomova N. V.
Chair of Economic Theory, Department of Economics, St. Petersburg State University, PhD (Economics), Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences Honored Scholar of the Russian Federation
Richter K. K.
Head of the Chair of Economics of Enterprise and Entrepreneurship, Department of Economics,
St. Petersburg State University, PhD (Physics, Mathematics)

Malyshkov G. B.
Assistant Professor, Chair of Economics, Accounting and Finances, National Mineral Resources University “Gornyi” (St. Petersburg), PhD (Economics)

Energy transition and transborder carbon regulation: risks and chances for the Russian economy (Russia, St. Petersburg)
The authors focus on the risks and chances for the Russian economy caused by the energy transition taking place under the impact of escalating global ecologic and climatic problems, and consists in the substitution of traditional energy production resources by renewable resources, including wind and solar energy. The article focuses on the reaction of Russia’s major trade partners upon the radical changes in the global fuel-and-energy balance, as well as perspectives of the structural modernization of economy. Special attention is given to the introduction, by the European Union, of the transborder carbon regulation on the basis of calculation of carbon intensity of export production and the possible managerial methods related to risks it involves. One of such methods is support to the projects of ecologically oriented digitalization and implementation of nature-like technologies, as well as rapid introduction of the Russian national system of carbon regulation that involves imposition of payments (or else, special carbon taxes) upon industries that emit greenhouse gases into environment.
Key words: energy transition, renewable energy production, climatic risks, scenario analysis, structural modernization, carbon regulation
Pages: 164 - 170

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