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Karanets S. M.
Senior lecturer, Chair of Legal Support of Foreign Economic Activity, Russian Customs Academy (St. Petersburg branch), PhD (Economics)

International customs conventions and EEU countries (Russia, St. Petersburg)
The article lays out foundations of the contemporary approach to the international customs cooperation, makes the first attempt to distinguish features of the customs convention, and analyzes international customs convention of the Customs Cooperation Council/ World Customs Organization (CCC/ WCO) as the major tool of the international customs cooperation. The author suggests over five classification criteria to distinguish present-day problems related to the efficacy of their application on the territory of EEU as a whole, and analyzes the international customs document “ATA Carnet.”
Key words: customs convention, international convention, CCC/WCO, harmonization and unification of customs documents
Pages: 27 - 30

Карнет ATA (Carnet ATA) — международный таможенный документ, заменяющий таможенные декларации и облегчающий временный ввоз/вывоз за границу выставочных экспонатов, образцов товаров, профессионального оборудования и прочих определенных в конвенции товаров. Карнет освобождает от уплаты таможенных платежей на товары, ввозимые на территорию страны-участницы системы АТА. Принимается таможенными органами стран-участниц в качестве унифицированной формы таможенной декларации. Является гарантией уплаты таможенных пошлин в случае нарушения условий заявленных таможенных процедур.

Список использованных источников:
1. Convention establishing a Customs Co-operation Council [Electronic resource]. Available at: URL: http://www.wcoomd.org/ (accessed 28.10.2018).
2. International Convention on the Harmonized Commodity Description and CodingSystem (HS Convention). [Electronic resource]. Available at: URL: http://www.wcoomd.org/ (accessed 28.10.2018).
3. Convention on Nomenclature for the classification of goods in Customs tariffs (article XVI amended) and Protocol of Amendment thereto [Electronic resource]. Available at: URL: http://www.wcoomd.org/ (accessed 28.10.2018).
4. Customs Convention on ECS carnets for commercial samples [Electronic resource]. Available at: URL: http://www.wcoomd.org/ (accessed 28.10.2018).
5. Customs Convention on the temporary importation of packings [Electronic resource]. Available at: URL: http://www.wcoomd.org/ (accessed 28.10.2018).
6. Customs Convention on the temporary importation of professional equipment. [Electronic resource]. Available at: URL: http://www.wcoomd.org/ (accessed 28.10.2018).
7. Customs Convention concerning facilities for the importation of goods for display or use at exhibitions, fairs, meetings or similar events. [Electronic resource]. Available at: URL: http://www.wcoomd.org/ (accessed 28.10.2018).
8. Customs Convention on the ATA carnet for the temporary admission of goods (ATA Convention). [Electronic resource]. Available at: URL: http://www.wcoomd.org/ (accessed 28.10.2018).
9. Customs Convention concerning welfare material for seafarers. [Electronic resource]. Available at: URL: http://www.wcoomd.org/ (accessed 28.10.2018).
10. Customs Convention on the temporary importation of scientific equipment. [Electronic resource]. Available at: URL: http://www.wcoomd.org/ (accessed 28.10.2018).
11. Customs Convention on the temporary importation of pedagogic material. [Electronic resource]. Available at: URL: http://www.wcoomd.org/ (accessed 28.10.2018).
12. Customs Convention on the international transit of goods (ITI Convention). [Electronic resource]. Available at: URL: http://www.wcoomd.org/ (accessed 28.10.2018).
13. International Convention on the simplification and harmonization of Customs procedures (Kyoto Convention). [Electronic resource]. Available at: URL: http://www.wcoomd.org/ (accessed 28.10.2018).
14. International Convention on the simplification and harmonization of Customs procedures (Kyoto Convention) as amended. [Electronic resource]. Available at: URL: http://www.wcoomd.org/ (accessed 28.10.2018).
15. International Convention on mutual administrative assistance for the prevention, investigation and repression of Customs offences (Nairobi Convention). [Electronic resource]. Available at: URL: http://www.wcoomd.org/ (accessed 28.10.2018).
16. International Convention on mutual administrative assistance in Customs matters (Johannesburg Convention). [Electronic resource]. Available at: URL: http://www.wcoomd.org/ (accessed 28.10.2018).
17. Convention on Temporary Admission (Istanbul Convention). [Electronic resource]. Available at: URL: http://www.wcoomd.org/ (accessed 28.10.2018).
18. Customs Convention on Containers,1972. [Electronic resource]. Available at: URL: http://www.wcoomd.org/ (accessed 28.10.2018).
19. Convention on the Valuation of Goods for Customs Purposes (BDV). [Electronic resource]. Available at: URL: http://www.wcoomd.org/ (accessed 28.10.2018).
20. Федеральный закон от 15.07.1995 N 101-ФЗ (ред. от 08.12.2020) «О международных договорах Российской Федерации» // Российская газета. N 140. 21.07.1995.
21. Revised Kyoto Convention: Your Questions Answered. Brussels: World Customs Organization. [Electronic resource]. Available at: URL: http://www.wcoomd.org/-/media/wco/public/global/pdf/topics/facilitation/instruments-and-tools/conventions/kyoto-convention/brochures/kyoto_yourquestionsanswered.pdf?db=web (accessed 28.10.2018).

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