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Kol’tsova A. A.
Senior lecturer, Chair of Economic Theory and Economic Politics, St. Petersburg State University, PhD (Economics)
Pashkus N. A.
Chair of Branch Economics and Finances, A.I. Herzen Russian State Pedagogical University (St. Petersburg), PhD (Economics), Professor
Starobinskaya N. M.
Assistant Professor, Chair of Branch Economy and Finances, A.I. Herzen Russian State Pedagogical University (St. Petersburg), PhD (Economics)

Art-market: State regulation and specificities of taxation of physical persons
(Russia, St. Petersburg)
Over the recent years, art market has drawn an ever-growing attention; its rapid development allowed to increase tourist and investment attractiveness of several territories. Art market experiences rapid growth in China, France, the USA. Yet art market development in Russia is considerably lagging behind not only in comparison to the leaders of this market, but even to the “average” level, which requires an informed economic politics for its promotion. What can the state do to improve the situation with the art market, which measures should it take to increase interest to it? The article discusses taxes as one of the most significant regulatory impact used by the state, describes their specificities for the subject of the art market, and offers measures to increase attractiveness of the art market for its participants and stake holders.
Key words: territorial brand, art market, image, state regulators, taxes
Pages: 155 - 158

Список использованных источников:
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10. Pashkus V.Yu., Pashkus N.A., Pashkus M.V. Strong Cultural Brand Formation in the Global Economy of the Basis of Russian Art Market (on the Example of St. Petersburg) // Ekonomicko-Manažérske Spektrum. — 2016. — № 2. — Р. 49–61.
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