Markin V. V. соискатель кафедры экономики и менеджмента в городском хозяйстве Санкт-Петербургского государственного инженерно-экономического университета,
кандидат экономических наук
Оценка влияния энергетического сектора на устойчивое развитие регионов
1. Agenda 21: Program of Action for Sustainable Development and Rio Declaration on Environment: and Development and Statement of Forest Principals. - N.-Y.: UNDPI, 1993.
2. Capacity Development Initiative, Country Capacity Developments Needs and Priorities: A Synthesis. - N.-Y: UNDP/GEF, 2000.
3. Capacity Development in the Environment: A Practical Aid to Sustainable Development. - London: IIED, 1996.
4. Energy for Sustainable Development: A Policy Agenda. Goldemberg, Jose and Johansson, Thomas (Editors). - N.-Y.: UNDP, 2002.
5. World Energy Assessment. Energy and the Challenge of Sustainability. Goldemberg, Jose (Chairman Editorial Board). - New York: UNDP, 2000.