| | PROBLEMS OF MODERN ECONOMICS, N 1 (29), 2009 | | PROBLEMS OF MARKETING. LOGISTICS | | Metelev I. S. Head of the Chair of Commerce and Logistics, Omsk Institute (Branch) of the Russian State Trade and Economics University, PhD (Economics) Molchalin S. M. Professor, Head of the Chair of Logistics, Siberian State Automobile-Road Academy (Omsk), PhD (Technology) Chebakova E. O. Assistant professor, Chair of Logistics, Siberian State Automobile-Road Academy (Omsk), Candidate of Science (Technology)
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| The article discusses perspectives for development of the regional transportation juncture in Omsk region, as well as its transportation and logistics services. The authors stress regional specificities in formation of goods and passengers traffic, as well as transportation and storage infrastructure. Suggestion in the way of improving the transportation and logistics complex are made | Key words: logistics, transport, storage facilities, effectiveness, infrastructure | |
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