| | PROBLEMS OF MODERN ECONOMICS, N 3 (31), 2009 | | ECONOMICS, MANAGEMENT, AND ACCOUNTING AT THE ENTERPRICE | | Arkin P. A. Deputy Rector for Economics, St. Petersburg State Technological Institute (University for Technology) PhD (Economics), Professor; Soloveichik K. A. PhD (Economics),
Director General, OАО "Lenpoligraphmash"
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| Analysis of literature on corporative management presents wide theoretical discussion on the management of complex hierarchical structures of the corporative type. Problems emerging in relation of the working capital, long-term credits into large investment projects etc. require economic coordination among enterprises, including creation of clusters. However, issues of legal limitation of official and non-official unification of enterprises in the Russian Federation are not sufficiently studied. The authors present a detailed analysis of German legal experience in the area of competition | Key words: corporate management, working capital, long-term credits | |
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