| | PROBLEMS OF MODERN ECONOMICS, N 4 (32), 2009 | | PROBLEMS OF THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP | | Konovalova M. E. Doctoral student, Chair of Economic Theory, Samara State Economic University PhD (Economics), assistant professor
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| The article focuses on entrepreneurship as the major driving force of structural transformation in contemporary economy, discusses the nature and categories of entrepreneurship, as well as its functions, the main of which is to abolish the emerging disproportions of reproduction process in uneven economic systems. The author stresses the necessity to develop innovative forms of business that call forth changes in the society’s technological basis at the time of formation of post-industrial paradigm of socio-economic development | Key words: entrepreneurship, small-scale business, technological transfer, competition, structural transformation, small-scale innovation-oriented enterprise, reproductive process, innovation cycle, technological multiplier | |
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