| | PROBLEMS OF MODERN ECONOMICS, N 4 (32), 2009 | | ECONOMICS AND RELIGION | | Lukin S. V. Head of the Chair of Business Management, High School of Management and Business, Byelorussian State Economic University (Minsk), PhD (Economics)
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| The article discusses religious interpretations of the essence for economic crises in the Old and New Testaments. The reasons for these crises were seen in spiritual deformations of a human being and society at large. Old Testament authors saw cyclicity in nature and socio-economic life as a divine establishment, when prosperity is inevitably followed by recession, and vice versa. The text of Apocalypse contains religious foundations of the crisis of demand and supply, as well as monetary crisis | Key words: economic crisis, crisis of demand, anti-crisis measures, cyclicity, the Book of Genesis, Apocalypse | |
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