| | PROBLEMS OF MODERN ECONOMICS, N 4 (40), 2011 | | ISSUES OF ECONOMIC THEORY. MACROECONOMICS | | Panikarova S. V. Assistant Professor, Chair of Management, N.F. Katanov State University of Khakasia (Abakan), PhD (Economics) Власов М. В. научный сотрудник Института экономики Уральского отделения РАН,
кандидат экономических наук Chebodaev V. P. Assistant professor, Chair of Management, N.F. Katanov State University of Khakassia, PhD (Economics)
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| The authors specify the notion of ethno-economics as a division of the economic science studying economic relations within regional economies under the influence of traditional ethnic economies. The article describes the structure of ethno-economy in a multiethnic region and develops the concept of “institutes of development in ethno-economics.” | Key words: region, ethno-economics, structure of ethno-economics, institute, institute of development in ethno-economics | |
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