| | PROBLEMS OF MODERN ECONOMICS, N 1 (41), 2012 | | PROBLEMS OF MODERNIZATION AND TRANSITION TO INNOVATIVE ECONOMY | | Cheberko Eugene F. Professor, Chair of Economics of Enterprise and Entrepreneurship, St. Petersburg State University, PhD (Economics), Professor Kuznetsova E. A. PhD student, North-Western Institute of the Russian Academy of Economics and Federal Service under the President of the Russian Federation (St. Petersburg)
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| The article discusses new tendencies in the interaction among the major subjects of the national innovation system and argues that the attempts to discover the “locomotive” of innovation processes that would push forward the technologic renovation of economy are futile. The key to success is the development of equal partner relations among all those who participate in “materialization” of scholarly knowledge | Key words: national innovation system, state, business, technological order, partnership | Pages: 17 - 21 |
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