| | PROBLEMS OF MODERN ECONOMICS, N 2 (42), 2012 | | PHILOSOPHY OF ECONOMIC VALUES PROBLEMS | | Buzgalin A. V. M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, PhD (Economics), Professor, Coordinator of the International Political Economy Association of the CIS and Baltic States Kolganov A. I. Head of the Laboratory for the Study of Market Economy, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, PhD (Economics), Professor
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| The article presents a detailed analysis of the current state of economic science, discusses the reasons for the domineering status of “economics” in science and teaching over the last decade, and shows the inhibiting role of “economics” for the further development in the rapidly changing world. The authors argue that the future of economic science is connected with the research possibilities of the contemporary political economy, its re-actualization in the context of quantitative socio-economic transformations | Key words: mainstream, economics, political economy | Pages: 41 - 47 |
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