| | PROBLEMS OF MODERN ECONOMICS, N 2 (42), 2012 | | ECONOMIC PROBLEMS OF REGIONS AND BRANCH COMPLEXES | | Cherkasov P. S. Director General, ZAO “Company Group “Housing capital”” (Moscow) Shestakova N. N. Senior research fellow, Institute of Regional Economy, Russian Academy of Science (St. Petersburg), PhD (Technology);
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| The article discusses effective regional housing construction politics that should aim at creating a friendly living environment for the reproduction of human potential. The authors show that this task requires a complex development of new as well as old territories and realization of the “green construction” idea. The case of Moscow region is discussed as an example of such housing construction politics | Key words: human capital, regional housing construction politics, friendly living environment, complex development of territories, 'green' construction | Pages: 329 - 335 |
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