| | PROBLEMS OF MODERN ECONOMICS, N 4 (44), 2012 | | PROBLEMS OF MODERNIZATION AND TRANSITION TO INNOVATIVE ECONOMY | | Yakovlev A. A. Director General, “Antei” consulting firm (St. Petersburg), PhD (Economics) Kolganov D. I. Manager, “Real Invest” company
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| The article discusses the major theoretical concepts and principles related to the management of venture capital and development of entrepreneurial structures in the sphere of venture business against the present-day modernization of the Russian economy. The authors show that the implementation of innovative projects with a high degree of risk is possible only with the state support, as well as through the creation of the specific infrastructure facilitating the development of venture funds | Key words: capital management, venture capital, modernization, innovations, project investment, managing company, project financing | Pages: 20 - 25 |
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