| | PROBLEMS OF MODERN ECONOMICS, N 4 (44), 2012 | | ISSUES OF ECONOMIC THEORY. MACROECONOMICS | | Parnikov G. I. Deputy Head of the Department for State Control over sorting and evaluation of raw diamond material, State jewelry depository of Russia (Yakutsk)
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| The article discusses issues related to the organization of state control in the diamond complex of the Russian Federation, analyzes specificities of the Russian diamond business in the context of the international diamond market, and defines the role of state regulation for the development of the strategy of its future development. The author stresses the importance of state support for the sustainable development of the diamond complex in the Russian Federation, in particular, from the point of view of its legislative component | Key words: diamond complex of the Russian Federation, state regulation of the diamond business, precious metals and jewels, state support of lapidary and jewelry industry | Pages: 61 - 65 |
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