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Mal’tsev A. A.
Assistant professor, Chair of Global Economy, Urals State Economic University (Ekaterinburg), PhD (Economics)

Characteristics of the major scholarly approaches to the notion of “socio-economic development” (Russia, Ekaterinburg)
The article discusses the ontology of the phenomenon “socio-economic development,” analyzes the evolution of concepts concerning the vector of development of economic processes, and shows the relative character of various logics describing economical and historical dynamics, which depend on the changes in technological and institutional landscape of the world economy
Key words: paradigmatic trichotomy, progress-based model of economical and historical process, providential historiosophy, contemporary economic growth, technological novelties, cycle-and-wave based motion, economic dynamics
Pages: 69 - 72

Статья подготовлена в рамках реализации ФЦП «Научные и научно-педагогические кадры инновационной России» на 2009–2013 годы по лоту № 16.740.11.0696 «Компаративный анализ модернизационных стратегий в мировой экономической практике»

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