| | PROBLEMS OF MODERN ECONOMICS, N 4 (44), 2012 | | PROBLEMS OF THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP | | Aliev Sh. I. Chair of Entrepreneurship, Baltic Academy of Tourism and Entrepreneurship (St. Petersburg), PhD (Economics) Yakovlev A. A. Director General, “Antei” consulting firm (St. Petersburg), PhD (Economics) Bulakh E. V. PhD student, Chair of Economics and Entrepreneurship, Baltic Academy of Tourism and Entrepreneurship (St. Petersburg)
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| Based on a thorough research of English-language sources, the article discusses contemporary approaches and decisions of theoretical and practical problems related to the selection of business deals. The authors show that taxation and internal enterprise price formation should be seen as determining factors in selecting the institutional model of a business deal | Key words: price formation, taxation, institutional models | Pages: 158 - 163 |
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