| | PROBLEMS OF MODERN ECONOMICS, N 4 (44), 2012 | | PROBLEMS OF THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP | | Chenchenko D. A. PhD student, Chair of Management, Krasnoyarsk State Institute of Trade and Economy Suslova Yu. Yu. Chair of Economics and Planning, Krasnoyarsk State Institute of Trade and Economy, PhD (Economics), Professor
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| The article discusses the key measures to achieve the institutional sustainability of entrepreneurship in the sphere of market infrastructure. The authors analyze Federal Law № 381-FL “On the principles of state regulation of trade in the Russia Federation” and emphasize the need to develop urban social potential through the prism of entrepreneurial structures | Key words: institutional sustainability, state regulation, trade, social potential of a city, infrastructure of the market of trade services | Pages: 187 - 190 |
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