| | PROBLEMS OF MODERN ECONOMICS, N 4 (44), 2012 | | FINANCE AND CREDIT SYSTEM: BUDGET, CURRENCY AND CREDIT REGULATION OF ECONOMY, INVESTMENT RESOURCES | | Boldyreva I. A. Chair of Finances and Credit, Russian Customs Academy (Rostov branch), PhD (Economics), Professor
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| The article discusses the role of customs payments in the formation of the federal budget revenues of the Russian Federation. The author analyses the structures of the budget revenues from the position of both its tax and non-tax components, with the oil component and without it, as well as from the perspective of the share of importing and exporting customs duty. The analysis allows to make a conclusion on the diminishing of budget sustainability, growing dependency from external economic factors, which requires steps towards the improvement of both budgetary and customs politics | Key words: budget, budget politics, external economic activity, customs fees, customs politics | Pages: 199 - 201 |
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