| | PROBLEMS OF MODERN ECONOMICS, N 4 (44), 2012 | | PROBLEMS OF MARKETING. LOGISTICS | | Yuldasheva O. U. Chair of Marketing, St. Petersburg State University of Economy and Finances, PhD (Economics), Professor; Yudin O. I. PhD student, Chair of Marketing, St. Petersburg State University of Economy and Finances Prokoptsov V. E. PhD student, Chair of Marketing, St. Petersburg State University of Economy and Finances
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| The article offers a marketing approach to the development of business-models in entrepreneurship; the core of this method consists in the introduction of the consumer value model into the structure of the business-model. The authors describe methodological aspects of business-modeling and classify business-models on the market of consumer goods | Key words: business-model, consumer value, marketing strategies, chain of value | Pages: 235 - 238 |
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