| | PROBLEMS OF MODERN ECONOMICS, N 4 (44), 2012 | | ECONOMIC PROBLEMS OF REGIONS AND BRANCH COMPLEXES | | Yusupov V. N. PhD student, Institute for Problems of Regional Economics Russian Academy of Sciences (St. Petersburg) Lozhko V. V. First vice-rector, Federal State Educational Institute for Further Professional Education “National Institute of Health” (St.Petersburg) MA (Management), PhD (Medicine)
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| The article discusses realization of the Federal Law 217-FL on the creation of economic units affiliated to higher educational institutions and scholarly organizations with the purposes of implementation of the results of intellectual activity. The authors discuss the problems that higher educational institutions face in the process and offer recommendations to improve mechanisms of stimulation of enterprises in their interaction with educational institutions | Key words: small-scale innovation enterprise, results of intellectual activity, human capital, economic societies of higher educational institutions, innovation economy | Pages: 273 - 276 |
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