| | PROBLEMS OF MODERN ECONOMICS, N 4 (44), 2012 | | ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT IN THE SPHERE OF SERVICES | | Podachina L. I. Assistant professor, Chair of Economics and Planning, Institute of Trade and Economy, Siberian Federal University (Krasnoyarsk), PhD (Economics) Suslova Yu. Yu. Chair of Economics and Planning, Krasnoyarsk State Institute of Trade and Economy, PhD (Economics), Professor
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| Based on Russian and foreign economic research focusing on the notion of “service,” the article analyzes the nature and the major features of services as a specific type of product. The authors describe a classification of services that allows for their comparative analysis in various areas of economy on the basis of systemic differentiated approach | Key words: sphere of services, classification of services, quality of services, criteria of services evaluation, quality of life | Pages: 347 - 351 |
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