| | PROBLEMS OF MODERN ECONOMICS, N 1 (45), 2013 | | FROM THE HISTORY OF SOCIO-ECONOMIC THOUGHT AND NATIONAL ECONOMY | | Blagikh Ivan A. Professor, Chair of the History of Economics and Economic Thought, St.Petersburg State University, PhD (Economics) Suverina E. V. PhD student, Chair of the History of Economics and Economic Thought, Department of Economics, St. Petersburg State University
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| Reforms currently implemented in Russia, in particular, transformations taking place during the transitional period, became a new topical are of study among Russian economists. Experience of the Great Peasant Reform of 1860s may be an interesting comparison to the present-day situation. Although this reform aimed at improvement of peasants’ life, it is well known that the tax burden imposed after the reform, was much heavier than before, and eventually led to the revolutions of 1905 and 1917. The article discusses M.Kh. Reitern’s tax reform and the process of its implementation | Pages: 255 - 258 |
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