| | PROBLEMS OF MODERN ECONOMICS, N 3 (47), 2013 | | FINANCE AND CREDIT SYSTEM: BUDGET, CURRENCY AND CREDIT REGULATION OF ECONOMY, INVESTMENT RESOURCES | | Voronova N. S. Chair of Credit Theory and Financial Management, St. Petersburg State University, PhD (Economics), Professor; Miroshnichenko O. S. Assistant Professor, Chair of Banking and Insurance, Tjumen' State University, PhD (Economics)
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| The article traces the evolution of conceptual approaches to the regulation of securitization processes of financial assets and their realization within the frames of Basel agreements on capital, as well as the impact of regulations upon the development of refinancing practice through emission of securities backed by assets. The authors discuss some aspects of the regulating influence upon the level of credit risk of bank portfolios, and describe potential risks of various types of securitization and the prospects of adaptation of Basel agreement III to the Russian context | Key words: financial assets, securitization of assets, assets pool, referent asset, bank risks, originator bank, credit portfolio, credit rating, credit protection, regulation rules, regulation capital | Pages: 243 - 248 |
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