| | PROBLEMS OF MODERN ECONOMICS, N 4 (48), 2013 | | EURASIAN ECONOMIC PERSPECTIVE: PROBLEMS AND DECISIONS | | Naryshkin S. E. Chairperson of the State Duma, Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation
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| The article discusses the current tasks related to the creation of the Eurasian Economic Union and the role of the Eurasian Economic Commission as the supra-national organ of regulation of integration process. The author stresses the positive experience of the Union State of Russia and Belarus, the importance of expanding the spheres of cooperation among the member-states of the Customs Union, and argues that the historical perspective the European integration will become a part of the Eurasian integration | Key words: Eurasian Economic Union, common economic space, Eurasian Economic Commission, Eurasian integration | Pages: 8 - 9 |
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