| | PROBLEMS OF MODERN ECONOMICS, N 4 (48), 2013 | | EURASIAN ECONOMIC PERSPECTIVE: PROBLEMS AND DECISIONS | | Muntiyan V. I. Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, Government plenipotentiary for cooperation with the Russian Federation, CIS countries, Eurasian Economic Community and other regional organization, PhD (Economics), Professor, Corresponding member of Ukraine National Academy of Sciences
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| The article discusses the civilizational choice of Ukraine in the context of globalization. The author shows that economic transformation taking place during international financial and economic crises lead not only to the changes of the geopolitical map of the world, but alter the directions and the spheres of globalization process, which makes the state look for alternative macroeconomic decisions. The issue of the optimal vector choice and the country’s joining the world community arises precisely in the time of such disbalance | Key words: globalization, economic integration, European Union, cycles, innovations | Pages: 32 - 37 |
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