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Pakhomova N. V.
Professor of the Chair of Economic Theory,
St.Petersburg State University,
Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences,
PhD (Economics)

Kaz’min A. A.
PhD student, Chair of Economic Theory, St.Petersburg State University,

Mutual connection between the structure of the market and the innovative activity of firms: new results that take into consideration the technological possibilities of branches (Russia, St. Petersburg)
First, the article summarizes the major results of research in the area of connections among market structures and innovative activity of industrial firms. Secondly, it stresses how important it is to consider particular conditions in each branch, the so-called technological capacities, to determine the relation between the innovative activity and the structure of the market, as well as the size of the firm. With this regard, industrial branches are subdivided into high-, medium- and low-technological. Thirdly, the article analyzes the impact of the global economic crisis upon the restructurization of innovative strategies through diversification of the production range (including those resulting from merging and absorption deals) and transition to open forms of innovations. Fourthly, the authors demonstrate new possibilities of analytical methods, including econometric analysis, to work out recommendations in the sphere of industrial politics and competition, taking into consideration the reverse impact of innovative activity upon the structure of the market
Key words: market structures, innovations, innovative activity of a firm, competition intensiveness, high- and medium-technological branches, entrance barriers, competitive and industrial politics
Pages: 53 - 60

Авторы статьи благодарят за ценные комментарии и проведенные эконометрические расчеты аспиранта Университета Маннгейм, Германия, Затонову Екатерину.

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