| | PROBLEMS OF MODERN ECONOMICS, N 1 (49), 2014 | | ECONOMIC PROBLEMS OF REGIONS AND BRANCH COMPLEXES | | Vagizova V. I. Chair of Banking Kazan’ State Institute for Finances and Economy, PhD (Economics) Terentjeva K. L. Assistant Professor, Chair of Banking, Institute for Finances and Economy, Kazan’ (Volga region) Federal University Khakimova L. I. Assistant Professor, Chair of Banking, Institute for Finances and Economy, Kazan’ (Volga region) Federal University
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| The article describes the present-day situation in the oil-and-gas cluster of the Volga region, the structure of this cluster, its strong aspects and perspective for its development, and the main problem of this cluster, namely, the lack of long-term financing. Particular attention is given to China’s positive experience in cluster creation. The authors describe the main differences between Russian and Chinese banking systems, and give recommendations for the improvement of the Volga region trans-border oil cluster based on Chinese experience | Key words: trans-border regional cluster, oil-and-gas industry in the Volga region, banking system, vertically integrated companies, extracting industry, export-oriented economy | Pages: 169 - 174 |
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