| | PROBLEMS OF MODERN ECONOMICS, N 1 (49), 2014 | | ECONOMICS OF AGRO-INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX | | Vagizova V. I. Chair of Banking Kazan’ State Institute for Finances and Economy, PhD (Economics) Terentjeva K. L. Assistant Professor, Chair of Banking, Institute for Finances and Economy, Kazan’ (Volga region) Federal University Khakimova L. I. Assistant Professor, Chair of Banking, Institute for Finances and Economy, Kazan’ (Volga region) Federal University
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| The article focuses on the agro-industrial sector of the Volga region and problems of its development in the context Russian Federation joining of WTO. The authors discuss the impact of the trans-border regional finance-and-industry cluster upon the economic potential of agriculture, describe agricultural clusters in China and the channels of financing of Chinese agro-industrial complex. Measures to facilitate the development of the trans-border regional finance-and-industry cluster in the Volga region are given special attention | Key words: agro-industrial complex, WTO, competitiveness of agriculture, trans-border regional finance-and-industry cluster, financial services, banking sector | Pages: 247 - 251 |
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