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Azgaev R. S.
PhD student, Chair of Economics, Baltic Academy of Tourism and Entrepreneurship (St. Petersburg)
Aliev E. G.
Chair of Economics, Baltic Academy of Tourism and Entrepreneurship (St. Petersburg), PhD (Economics), Professor
Mamishev V. I.
Head of the Board of Directors, OAO "Leasing company "Likostroy"

National priorities for the industrial economic politics (Russia, St. Petersburg)
The article discusses 12 components of growth of the national economy. While it is difficult for the state to support all branches of economy, the economic growth may be attained on the basis of “3+5” formula: Russia could considerably increase production output if it concentrates on “capitalization” and development of three advantages and eliminating five systemic “weakness.” Modelling of labor productivity with the use variables could lead to a considerable growth of competitiveness and the level of life in Russia
Key words: Russian economy, economic growth, industrial politics, branch clusters, index of global competitiveness
Pages: 80 - 84

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21.Эллман М.К. Что исследование переходных экономик дало мейнстриму экономической теории // Вопросы экономики. — № 3. — С.75–76.
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