| | PROBLEMS OF MODERN ECONOMICS, N 2 (50), 2014 | | SOCIO-ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IN EURASIAN STATES | | Muntiyan V. I. Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, Government plenipotentiary for cooperation with the Russian Federation, CIS countries, Eurasian Economic Community and other regional organization, PhD (Economics), Professor, Corresponding member of Ukraine National Academy of Sciences
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| Based on the systemic analysis of geo-economical and geo-strategic processes of the global development, the author shows the catastrophic nature of the current economic processes. The author argues that a new model of socio-economic and ecological development of humankind should be introduced, as well as the new philosophy, spirituality, and the system of morals. Specific attention is paid to the role of Ukraine in the changing of these paradigms | Key words: Ukraine, Ukrainian crisis, Eurasian economic cooperation, values, spirituality, morals, noosphere | Pages: 314 - 318 |
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