| | PROBLEMS OF MODERN ECONOMICS, N 1 (53), 2015 | | PROBLEMS OF MODERNIZATION AND TRANSITION TO INNOVATIVE ECONOMY | | Tebekin A. V. Moscow City Center for Innovations and Scientific Development, PhD (Economics), PhD (Technology) Seriakov G. N. Center of Complex Innovation Technologies "Metaprocessor" (Moscow), PhD (Economics)
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| The article discusses the impact produced by the dynamics of economic cycles activity upon the national economic development from the position of N.D. Kondratjev’s large cycles theory, Kuznets medium-range economic cycles, Juglar’s small-range cycles, as well as Kitchin’s business-cycles. The author analyzed present-day tendencies in the national economy with regards to the composite impact of various cycles of economic activity, and presents a forecast for the economic development for the year of 2015 | Key words: cycles dynamics, economic activity, national economy | Pages: 34 - 38 |
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