| | PROBLEMS OF MODERN ECONOMICS, N 1 (53), 2015 | | ECONOMICS, MANAGEMENT, AND ACCOUNTING AT THE ENTERPRICE | | Pimenova A. L. Chair of Accounting, Analysis and Auditing, St. Petersburg State Economic University, PhD (Economics), Professor Rokhchin V. E. Chair of Economics and Enterprise Management, St. Petersburg State Economic University, PhD (Economics), Professor Gar’kina V. S. PhD student, Chair of Economics and Enterprise Management, St. Petersburg State Economic University
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| The article focuses on the specificities in formation of transnational technological chains with participation of Russian resource-extracting enterprises, describes the process of economic effect calculation, and discusses the new type of effectiveness audit of transnational and national technological chains | Key words: audit, added value, mineral and raw material resources, technological chain, efficacy | Pages: 110 - 113 |
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