| | PROBLEMS OF MODERN ECONOMICS, N 1 (53), 2015 | | PROBLEMS OF MARKETING. LOGISTICS | | Demchenko A. I. Assistant Professor, Chair of Marketing and Management, South Urals State University (Chelyabinsk), PhD (Technology)
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| The article describes a model of systemic management of the logistic chain on the basis of two mutually related objects of management: the system of stream business-processes and the system of interacting enterprises within a chain. The author defines a new object, that of “stream business-process,” develops a process model of the logistic chain with different layers of specification, emphasizes the importance of integration processes that merge the resources of several enterprises, and describes the principles of integration among the enterprises that participate in the logistic chain that can increase their market competitiveness | Key words: systemic approach, logistic chain, integration, process model | Pages: 193 - 197 |
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