| | PROBLEMS OF MODERN ECONOMICS, N 1 (53), 2015 | | ECONOMIC PROBLEMS OF REGIONS AND BRANCH COMPLEXES | | Broilo E. V. Professor of the Chair of Finances, Credit, and Accounting, Ukhta State University of Technology, PhD (Economics), Professor Nazarova I. G. Assistant Professor, Chair of Finances, Credit, and Accounting, Ukhta State University of Technology, PhD (Economics)
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| The article discusses the current situation in the forestry complex of the Komi Republic, the impact of its branch structure upon tax payments, volumes of production, and realization of production in the logging industry, wood processing industry, and pulp-and-paper production. The authors describe the major reasons of the crisis in Komi forestry complex, systemic problems in its management, and offer ways to improve the situation on the basis of legal, economic, and investment components | Key words: forestry complex, forestry fund, investment into forestry, budget potential of the forestry complex, competition of forestry companies, branch structure of the forestry sector | Pages: 223 - 227 |
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